CEUS Council
Meet our amazing CEUS council members who have dedicated their time to provide opportunities to all Civil students at the Schulich School of Engineering

Teresa Akl
Teresa is the leader of CEUS, and works with each portfolio to ensure quality planning and execution of events, and student feedback is heard and acted upon. She also bridges the gap between other departments and civil through ESS.
Email: teresa.akl@ucalgary.ca
LinkedIn: Teresa Akl | LinkedIn

VP Academic
Nicole Sonnichsen
Nicole is responsible for academic related CEUS endeavours. Her responsibilities include advocating for civil engineering undergraduate students, facilitating positive relationships between CEUS and the Civil Engineering Department, as well as putting together academic workshops for students to engage with.
Email: nicole.sonnichsen@ucalgary.ca
LinkedIn: Nicole Sonnichsen | LinkedIn

VP Communications
Ty Younge
​Ty is responsible for advertising all CEUS events and activities. Ty manages, creates, and monitors CEUS’s website and all social media. He contributes to the aesthetic visual of poster design and ensures the punctuality of each online post.
Email: ty.younge@ucalgary.ca
LinkedIn: Ty Younge| LinkedIn

VP Finance
Althea Blais
Althea is in “charge" (haha) of all the finances for the council. This includes balancing the financial statements, payments, reimbursements, etc. Additionally, Althea is the Civil representative for committees such as SSAF and UCEE which provide funding from Schulich for clubs and trips.
Email: althea.blais@ucalgary.ca
LinkedIn: Althea Blais | LinkedIn

VP External
Sara Wiens
​Sara is responsible for all CEUS Professional Development sponsors. Her responsibilities include, but are not limited to acquiring sponsors, maintaining CEUS relations, and facilitating professional development events such as the Industry Pub Night, info sessions, and Career Fair.
Email: sara.wiens@ucalgary.ca
LinkedIn: Sara Wiens | LinkedIn

VP Events
Emery Hoko
Emery is the fun and the spirit in CEUS. She is in charge of hosting social occasions and keeping up the community spirit among civil engineering students. She is the one who organize civil’s participation in ENGG week and ensures their best effort at winning.
Email: emery.hoko@ucalgary.ca
LinkedIn: Emery Hoko | LinkedIn
VP Operations
Fiza Syed
Gulalai Salim
Fiza and Gulalai are in charge of the civil homeroom and its upkeep. This includes keeping it stocked with snacks and supplies, managing access, and upgrading the room whenever possible. They are also responsible for the ordering and distribution of civil merch.
Email: fiza.syed@ucalgary.ca
LinkedIn: Fiza Syed | LinkedIn
Email: gulalai.salim@ucalgary.ca
LinkedIn: Gulalai Salim | LinkedIn

Academic Commissioner
Marukh Zafar
Marukh works closely with the VP Academic to enhance academic experience by organizing events such as workshops, panels and bringing up any student concerns in the Civil department.
Email: marukh.zafar1@ucalgary.ca
LinkedIn: Marukh Zafar | LinkedIn

External Commissioner
Mason Simmonds
Mason works with VP External to acquire sponsorships and maintain CEUS relations. He also facilitates professional development events.
Email: mason.simmonds@ucalgary.ca
LinkedIn: Mason Simmonds | LinkedIn

Communication Commissioners
Adam Ebelher
Yabsira Dagne
​Yabsira and Adam work with VP Communications to help advertise CEUS events and activities. They make the lovely posters for CEUS’ social media platforms, update the website and ensure that the word gets around to keep visitors engaged.
Email: adam.ebelher@ucalgary.ca
LinkedIn: Adam Ebelher | LinkedIn
Email: yabsira.dagne@ucalgary.ca
LinkedIn: Yabsira Dagne | LinkedIn

Internship Commissioners
Bryn Deobald
Zeina Elgohary
Zeina and Bryn work with the Academic Portfolio to provide events that connect students seeking internships with upper years who have completed internships. We’ve held events such as the resume review and internship panel. Stay tuned for the internship spotlight on Instagram and future events!
Email: Bryn.Deobald@ucalgary.ca
LinkedIn: Bryn Deobald | LinkedIn
Email: zeina.elgohary@ucalgary.ca
LinkedIn: Zeina Elgohary| LinkedIn

Events Commissioners
Jenny Park
Paula Young
Jocelyn Martinez
Jocelyn, Paula and Jenny work with VP Events to plan and ensure we have everything covered for our social events, they also work to ensure our participation in ENGG week!
Email: jenny.park@ucalgary.ca
LinkedIn: Jenny Park | LinkedIn
Year Representatives

Second Year Representative
Adriana Maria Menjivar Najarro
Adriana communicates with the 2nd year Civil Engineering students and about upcoming CEUS and other engineering related events. She keep students up to date on all the amazing engineering related events happening through announcements, and students can come to her with any questions or concerns.
Email: adriana.menjivarnaja@ucalgary.ca
LinkedIn: Adriana Menjivar Najarro | LinkedIn
First Year Representative

Third Year Representative
Naya Moustafa
Naya represents the 3rd year civil engineering students and bring forward their questions, concerns and opinions to the CEUS council and professors. She also advertises for events and makes class announcements on behalf of the council. Any concerns or comments about what is troubling students (exams, classes, etc) can be brought up by her during the weekly council meetings.
Email: naya.moustafa@ucalgary.ca
LinkedIn: Naya Moustafa | LinkedIn
First Year Representative
Fourth Year Representative
Hai Doan
Hai represents the 4th year civil engineering class to bring up student concerns and feedback during weekly council meetings, along with holding discussions with the representative for fourth year instructors to address concerns that students may have.
Email: hai.doan2@ucalgary.ca
First Year Representative